摘要: | 「臺灣地區橋梁管理系統」自民國89年建置完成迄今,資料庫中包含高速公路局、公路總局、鐵路局及各縣市政府共2萬8千餘座橋梁之基本資料及定期檢測資料,透過網際網路瀏覽器,各橋梁管養單位及上級機關可隨時上網掌握橋梁狀況。 系統自開放使用迄今已12年,期間我國遭逢多次重大颱風豪雨侵襲,並因而發生多起橋梁斷落、人員傷亡之不幸事件。臺灣地區位處板塊交界,地震頻繁且地質條件複雜多變,同時每年颱風豪雨頻繁,河川劇烈沖刷淤積情形十分普遍,加上橋體老劣化、早年興建之橋梁施工品質良莠不齊、車輛超載及河川砂石盜採等不利因素影響下,橋梁劣化受損之風險也常隨之不斷增加,故如何強化現行之「臺灣地區橋梁管理(資訊)系統」對耐洪能力、耐震能力、載重能力及老舊劣化情形之掌握,為當前重要課題。此外,如何全面協助各橋梁管理機關確保現行「臺灣地區橋梁管理(資訊)系統」資料之詳實情形亦為現階段重要課題,隨著科技不斷發展,近年來各項可應用於記錄橋梁檢查結果之行動裝置不斷普及,從早期之PDA,到目前之平板電腦及智慧手機,均有長足進步,故如何利用前述行動裝置提升橋梁檢查之效率及品質,亦為當前重要課題。 本計畫所規劃建置之「第二代臺灣地區橋梁管理資訊系統」,除網路版之主系統外,並另規劃建立「行動化橋梁檢測系統(應用程式) 」。「第二代臺灣地區橋梁管理資訊系統」主系統中,除確保橋梁資料之完整與詳實程度外,對橋梁耐洪能力、耐震能力、載重能力之評估,以及對橋梁老舊劣化情形之掌握,皆能以方便使用之方式提供管理者在維護管理決策上之參考。此外,「行動化橋梁檢測系統(應用程式) 」可用手持平板裝置,以三維模型方式進行逐構件檢測,並可利用手持裝置記錄檢測路徑,以提升橋梁檢測之效率及品質。最後本計畫將辦理成果推廣,俾使我國橋梁管理能持續與時俱進。 ; “Taiwan Bridge Management (Information) System (TBMS)” has been used for more than 12 years since its establishment in 2000. Currently, the inventory in TBMS contains basic and regular inspection data of more than 28,000 bridges managed by Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau, Directorate General of Highways, Taiwan Railways Administration, and county/City governments in Taiwan. TBMS can be accessed through internet browsers at any moment by these management agencies. During the 12 years on-line service life of TBMS, there have been many accidents and casualties caused by bridge collapses. Since Taiwan is located at the intersection of continental plates, earthquakes become common phenomena under the complicated geological conditions of Taiwan. In addition, there are also all kinds of adverse factors such as typhoons, scouring, aging, poor construction quality, overloading of traffic, and illegal excavations of river sands and stones, that not only worsen conditions but also shorten service lives of the bridges. Thus, how to reinforce the abilities of TBMS in assessing bridges’ capabilities of resisting floods and earthquakes, loading, and deterioration conditions have become important issues in bridge management. Furthermore, another crucial issue also arises in ensuring the correctness and completeness of bridge inspection data by using portable devices such as computer plates and smart phones. This project plans to establish the second generation of TBMS (TBMS2). In addition to the main system which also can be accessed by internet browsers, application software (App) which can be installed on portable devices for bridge inspection is also expected. In the main system of TBMS2, improvements will be made and user-friendly functions will be implemented in assessing bridges’ capabilities of resisting floods and earthquakes, loading, and deterioration conditions. The developed App is planned to facilitate bridge inspection in a three-dimensional and component-based environment to improve the efficiency of inspection. The App will also record the routes of bridge inspection to ensure actual site inspection. Promotion activities will be conducted after TBMS2 is completed. The developed TBMS2 is expected to keep up with recent trends of software and hardware developments. ; 研究期間 10204 ~ 10212 |