溫拌瀝青工法(WMA)比起傳統熱拌瀝青(HMA)較為環保,於國外已廣泛的被研究與運用。若溫拌瀝青混凝土能適時的降低拌合溫度並結合透水性鋪面,勢必可使透水鋪面不僅只有透水效益,於生產階段到鋪設完成後的鋪面可達到雙重綠色效益。 故本研究運用溫拌劑(Sasobit?2.0%、2.5%、3.0%與Advera?5.0%、6.0%、7.0%瀝青重量比)製作成溫拌瀝透水青混凝土鋪面。因拌合與滾壓溫度較低,於抗水侵害能力較一般熱拌瀝青差,本研究於成效試驗中特別針對此加以設計實驗跟探討。第一部分是運用常見的透水性瀝青混凝土成效試驗與透水試驗試驗來加以評估。第二部分是特別針對材料水份侵害問題進行評估,最後則是以評估溫拌透水瀝青鋪面於工程上可行性運用。 由本研究結果添加Advera? 於5.0%時有降低5℃最佳降溫效果,而添加Sasobit?於2.5%時有降低10℃最佳降溫效果,且本研究以溫度掃瞄發現摻配此兩種溫拌劑能適時增加瀝青膠泥的抗車轍因子。於馬歇爾試體之穩定值與流度值皆符合施工綱要之規定。其在一般成效試驗與長期老化試驗結果也不遜色於傳統熱拌透水性瀝青鋪面。成本分析結果以AC-20基底瀝青添加Sasobit?生產每公噸約需增加147.64元之成本,添Advera?每公噸約需增加45.14元之成本。但建議往後能使用較高性能的瀝青膠泥來做為溫拌透水性瀝青鋪面之運用,因此本研究定論在適度的配合設計下溫拌瀝青技術是可以運用在透水性瀝青鋪面。 This objective of the study was to assess the Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) by adding two different agents, Sasobit? and Advera?, to design and evaluate the Pervious Asphalt Concrete (PAC). The research scope was to design and mix PACs while it was added with 2.0%, 2.5% and 3.0% of Sasobit? and 5.0%, 6.0%, and 7.0% of Advera? by weight of total asphalt. The PAC specimens designed in the light or intermediate traffic loading were subject to the performance tests to evaluate the feasibility of using WMA agents in PAC. The laboratory results show that there was a 10℃ and 5℃of reduction in mixing temperature, while adding 2.5% of Sasobit? and 5.0% of Advera? by weight of total asphalt, respectively. The analysis of binder rheology show that the rutting resistance can be improved by adding these two agents, while both performance results of Marshall stability and flow fit the design code. Moreover, the aging and moisture susceptibility analysis present a fairly compatible result with traditional PAC mixtures. However, the cost-effective analysis indicates that each tonnage will cost NTD 147.64 and NTD 45.14 more, while adding Sasobit? and Advera?, respectively, than that mixed only with AC-20. It is concluded that it is feasible to mix PAC with these two WMA agents with a satisfaction outcome of evaluated performance tests.