高樓建築,在多維地震力的作用之下,容易產生彎矩及扭矩 聯合作用於梁構件,造成非預期的破壞模式。構件在彎矩、扭矩 組合載重作用下,易因混凝土損壞而損失其抗扭及抗彎強度,針 對此一現象,極需加以補強。 本研究應用斜拉鋼筋於鋼骨鋼筋混凝土梁構件設計,藉由斜 拉鋼筋之作用,提昇構件之抗扭剛度,避免構件因過早開裂而損 失抗彎強度。藉由一系列包覆型鋼骨鋼筋混凝土構件之受扭、受 彎及同時承受扭矩及彎矩聯合作用實驗,探討其承載行為。 研究結果顯示:含斜拉鋼筋之鋼骨鋼筋混凝土構件在偏心載 重下,其構件彎曲勁度與扭轉勁度皆優於傳統鋼骨鋼筋混凝土構 件。斜拉鋼筋亦能給予核心混凝土良好的圍束效果,使核心混凝 土不至於提早破壞。至於斜拉鋼筋的握裹效應,由於#2 鋼筋為 光面鋼筋,其雖有足夠之握裹長度,但其效果仍無法完全發揮。 對於#4 斜拉鋼筋而言,雖然為竹節鋼筋,但發揮的效果不若#3 系列試體所預期來的理想,因此,此類試體應有其最佳鋼筋比。 Structural members involve application of concrete are usually vulnerable to torsion due to the low tensile and shear strengths of the material. Premature cracks of concrete due to torsion usually results in inadequate performance when members are subjected to loading coupled with torsion. Therefore, remedy to improve members’ torsional resistance and to enhance their bearing performance is essential to the concrete-related designs. This study is focused on the flexural-torsional behavior of steel reinforced concrete (SRC) members strengthened with inclined bars. Test results show that the torsional rigidities of members with inclined bars were significantly increased. It is also found from test comparisons that both flexural and torsional performances of the strengthened members were significantly improved when subjected to combined bending and torsion.