演藝人員與經紀人員之法律關係及事實關係探討下,本文以模特兒就其為演藝人員中具有較短工作年限之限制之特殊性作為討論對象。其中就模特兒產業上使用之演藝經紀契約分有模特兒專屬經紀契約以及模特兒非專屬經紀契約,該經紀契約上主要乃係由經紀人或經紀公司所提供者,因而規定保護上較偏袒經紀人或經紀公司而有經紀契約不周全,尤其對於雙方權利義務上之地位懸殊較為明顯。本文遂由經紀人或經紀公司與模特兒之事實關係出發討論,並且透過法律於民法上定性分析,本文認為應於民法增設『經紀』一節。再者,本文輔以法律經濟分析之概念來處理實務上經常出現之爭點之有效率及適法之解決方法,例如:違約金、表演報酬分配、解約權補償。最後本文亦草擬『專屬經紀契約範本』以及『模特兒非專屬經紀契約範本』兩種不同演藝經紀契約類形,試圖能提供立法過渡時期之契約自我保護,因而能更有效解決實務上之爭議。 In the model industry, the contract between the model and agent is a standard contract drafted by the agent. The distribution of the obligation and right will be a big problem, because everyone is self-interested and rational. Especially, such contracts offered excellent risk allocation for the agent.At the first, we talk about the relationship between the agent and the model, and determine the nature of civil law. In fact, the laws and regulations of our country do not provide practical solutions to such situation. Above all, we suggest that a) Set up a section “Agent?as a new type of contract, including the rights and responsibilities between the agent and the model in the Civil Law. b) According to law and economic analysis, higher penalty and liquidated damages is more efficiency. c) Drafting the “Model agent contract”for reference in the hope to provide efficient and practical solutions to the problems between the agent and the model.