由於線上遊戲在台灣蓬勃的發展,線上遊戲的玩家漸趨成熟,線上遊戲市場的成長也漸趨平緩。遊戲業者及廠商從過去的不斷吸引新使用者進入線上遊戲市場,漸漸演變成為在市場規模變化不大的環境中相互爭取玩家參與自己的遊戲。在如此的情況下,如何讓玩家接受並黏著於自己所開發或代理的遊戲,便成為一大課題。 本研究的研究目的在於探討,哪些因素能夠解釋線上遊戲玩家的持續意圖,也就是玩家是否要繼續玩下去?本研究採用計畫行為理論 (Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB) 結合轉換成本的概念進行探討。 本研究的對象是目前有在玩線上遊戲的玩家,透過網路問卷方式收集資料,使用統計方法,SEM,進行統計分析,分析過程採用SmartPLS與SPSS協助進行資料分析,以檢驗本研究模型與相關假說。 研究結果發現:線上遊戲對玩家的吸引力愈高時,其未來的線上遊戲持續遊玩意圖也會愈高。當玩家擁有足夠資源、知識時,其未來的線上遊戲持續遊玩意圖也會愈高。最後本研究發現當玩家面臨愈高的轉換成本時,為了避免損失,玩家會願意停留在目前參與的線上遊戲中,也就是其未來的線上遊戲持續遊玩意圖會愈高。 As a result of a decade of rapid growth in online games in Taiwan, players of online games turn matures and the market growth enters a stagnant stage. Online game providers who are used to focus on attracting new game players, are forced to refocus on attracting existing game players to switch to their own games. Therefore, how to attract players to stick to the games it provides, becomes a high priority issue for game providers. The aim of this study is to identify factors affecting online game players’ continuance intention. This study adopts the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the concept of switching cost to explore the issue. This study collected data through self-administered Internet questionnaires. SEM, SmartPLS and SPSS were employed to perform data analyses. Results show that players facing higher levels of online game attractiveness will have higher continuance intention. In addition, players having enough resources or knowledge results in positive attitude of continuance intention. Finally, results also reveal that players dealing with higher switching costs will have higher intention to stay in the online game players playing now, rather than switch to another online game.