近幾年來學者開始注重學生在科學素養的能力,主要的原因是由於現在的社會過於在乎學生的考試成績,導致學校老師講課時著重在考試的重點講解和答案,學生也只懂得去背誦正確答案,卻不去理解科學現象背後產生的過程和原因,所以學生對於推理、辨識和運用證據的能力還有很大的進步空間(教育部十二年國教網站),所以為了改善這樣的科學教學困境,研究者希望透過科學解釋方法,教導學生學習尋找科學的證據、運用推理論證能力,指出科學現象的因果關係和自我的理解內容,學習科學知識背後的原理和過程。只是科學解釋因為需要應用到多種能力,是一項困難且複雜的任務,所以為了有效的幫助學生學習科學解釋,本實驗希望透過合作繪圖學習的方法去輔助學生學習科學解釋的能力。 為了達到本研究目的使用平板電腦加上繪圖軟體,讓學生利用平板電腦的繪圖軟體畫出實驗中指定主題的科學解釋內容,因為利用平板電腦和繪圖軟體的多媒體輔助,跳脫於一般白紙上的繪圖,除了直接繪圖外,學生還可以透過錄音,打字等方式輔助繪圖內容共同解釋。實驗對象為小學五年級的學生,實驗的資料分析來源有學生的繪圖表現的評量、前後測考卷、前後測問卷、互動過程錄影。本實驗的實驗變項為個人組或是團體組的組隊方式,探討團體合作的學習方式對於學生學習科技解釋有沒有達到學習成效上的幫助。 研究發現個人組的表現較團體組來的好,觀察原因推測為iPad偏屬個人使用裝置,使用上會讓兩位同學難以同步創作使用,但是仍有幾組學生在活動的過程中表現出良好的互動,但其學生的學習成效表現卻只是與個人學習成效上相當,而沒有較個人表現良好,這樣的結果顯示除了iPad的螢幕限制外,如何去引導學生做出互動和對於學習內容進行討論也是一個需要去研究改進的部分。 In recent year, scientific explanation has been regarded as one of the most importance of inquiry skill in scientific education. Numerous studies showed that scientific explanation benefits students to obtaining a strong understanding of scientific knowledge. However, students often learn science with rote learning, and have difficulty in articulating and reasoning why a scientific phenomenon occurs by using evidence. Moreover, scientific explanation is a complex task because students need have abilities to collect scientific evidence, reason, and recognize the relationship between cause and effect. To address issues above, this study proposed a collaborative drawing approach consisting of a iPad and a drawing application to assist students’ scientific explanation ability. Two fifth-year classes were randomly assigned as individual and collaborative group. To understand the impact of collaborative drawing approach, the study analyzed the artifacts of students’ drawing, learning test achievement, attitude of learning science, and interaction video. The results indicated that there is no significant difference between individual and collaborative group in attitude of learning science. Although overall collaborative group gained a lower learning text than individual did, the learning test of the collaborative group with effective interaction was about the same individual. It is considered that iPad is designed for personal used, and hard to be used simultaneously with others. Hence, it is necessary to design how to overcome the usage limitation on personal tablets only. The suggestions and implications in science education were further described.