本研究是針對伽瑪射線爆﹝gamma-ray burst﹞周圍的環境來進行探討,並進而討論伽瑪射線爆和大尺度結構﹝large-scale structure﹞的關連性。我們藉由史隆數位巡天(Sloan Digital Sky Survey,縮寫為SDSS)的觀測資料得知伽瑪射線爆周圍的星系分布,並且由此推論該伽瑪射線爆是否位於大尺度結構。本論文中我們取得十九個伽瑪射線爆為樣本,分析後發現其中有六個是在大尺度結構;我們也發現到在樣本中所有短伽瑪射線爆﹝short gamma-ray bursts﹞周圍的星系分部皆顯示出和大尺度結構,這結果似乎意味著短伽瑪射線爆和大尺度結構兩者之間是有關連的。另外我們也發現到六個位於大尺度結構的樣本中除了一個樣本為已知的星系團﹝galaxy cluster﹞,其他五個樣本皆是在新的大尺度結構,由此也可說明此種調查方式也可以用於在高紅移的區域找尋新大尺度結構。 We investigate the relation of Gamma ray bursts (GRBs) and their environments. The GRBs are short and intense gamma ray pulses. GRBs are expected to trace the large scale structure (Lamb & Quashnock 1993; Quashnock 1996). In this thesis, we use Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data to investigate the possible relationship between GRBs and their environments. We obtain 19 nearby GRBs (z < 1) that are covered by SDSS and use the photometric redshifts to probe the galaxy distribution around these GRBs. We discover six GRBs located in density-enhanced regions. There are only two short GRBs in our samples and both of them are located in the dense region. This suggests that short GRBs have strong correlation with the large-scale structures.