本研究的主要目的係在探討台灣高中學生科技學習態度、知識信念以及學業成就之關係。研究對象來自台灣北部三所高中之一年級學生,採隨機抽樣的方式抽取550位學生,其中有效樣本為496份。本研究的研究工具為科技學習態度量表以及知識信念量表,以敘述性統計、多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關以及結構方程模式等統計分析,分別檢視不同背景變項的學生在科技學習態度以及知識信念上的表現是否有所差異,接著探討科技學習態度與知識信念之間的關係,最後,檢視其科技學習態度以及知識信念是否與學業成就有預測作用並檢驗本研究所建立的「科技學習態度、知識信念與學業成就」之假設模式是否適切。研究結果顯示,本研究的高中生傾向積極、正向的科技學習態度表現,在知識信念方面傾向抱持著知識再製信念學習。在檢視不同學生背景變項在科技學習態度以及知識信念上表現之結果顯示出:在科技學習態度方面為男生、以自然組為志向以及父母親職業為科技相關之學生,其科技學習態度的表現較佳;在知識信念方面為女生、以社會組為志向的學生,其知識信念的表現傾向於建構式之知識信念。從研究中亦發現科技學習態度與建構式之知識信念為顯著正向關係,並從結構方程模式的結果進一步發現知識再製信念與學業成就間有顯著的負向預測作用。最後,本研究將根據研究結果提出適當建議,以提供教育工作者以及未來研究之參考。 The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships among the learning attitudes toward technology, epistemological beliefs, and academic achievements of senior high school students in Taiwan. The subjects are 550 first-grade students randomly selected from three senior high schools in northern Taiwan. The number of valid samples is 496. The instruments used in this study are the “students’ learning attitudes toward technology questionnaire” and the “epistemological beliefs questionnaire.” It was also examined separately whether there was a difference in the learning attitudes toward technology and epistemological beliefs of students from different backgrounds using the descriptive statistics techniques of MANOVA, Pearson’s correlation and Structural equation modeling (SEM). The relationship between learning attitudes toward technology and epistemological beliefs was then explored. Finally, it was examined whether the learning attitudes toward technology and epistemological beliefs can be used to estimate academic achievement, and whether the hypothetical model established in this study for clarifying the relationships among learning attitudes toward technology, epistemological beliefs, and academic achievements is suitable. The results indicate that the senior high school students in this study tended to have positive attitudes towards learning technology, and exhibited reproductive-oriented epistemological beliefs. As for the factor of students’ background, male students who tended to select a science major and whose parents’ jobs were technology-related had better performance on learning attitudes toward technology. On the other hand, with regard to epistemological beliefs, female students who selected humanities major tended to exhibit constructivist-oriented epistemological beliefs. Moreover, it can also be identified from this study that the relationship between learning attitudes toward technology and constructivist-oriented epistemological beliefs is positively significant, and that there is a significantly negative relationship between reproductive epistemological beliefs and academic achievement based on the SEM analysis results. According to the results, this study provides suggestions for educators and for further research.