近幾年來,在台灣的出口中,工具機是機械相關產業內大量外銷的產品之一。在精密機械產業中,機械設備移動至定位點的精度與產品的品質息息相關,本文使用ARM晶片作為控制板,應用在氣動馬達對於位移平台的定位控制,在平台移動的過程中,氣動馬達的轉速取決於進氣量多寡及氣壓大小,而系統本身的摩擦力及氣體的可壓縮性質皆會對定位增加控制上的難度,因此,採用控制法則如P型控制及內模控制(Internal Model)。P型控制是傳統PID控制只取其增益的部分,可能會有最大超越量過大或是穩態誤差不理想的問題產生,因而利用氣閥開度使補償的響應速度不會太快而達到我們想要的控制效果;而內模控制則是能過濾掉外界的雜訊,使控制結果更為精準。 Over the last few years, machine tools are ones of the most hottest-selling goods in mechanical industry of Taiwan’s exports, furthermore, in precise machine industry, mechanical facilities move to the correct spot having a lot to do with products’ quality, this thesis uses ARM as a control chip, and apply to air motor to control the displacement platform’s fixed position, During the movement, air motor’s rotational speed is related to air inflow and air pressure, therefore, the friction in the system and the compressible air make the control more difficult, So this thesis uses controlling rules like P-control and Internal Model. P-control is a traditional PID control only using the P part, it’s most overshoot maybe is too big or the steady state error is not good, so this thesis uses the valve opening to make the response not so fast, and Internal Model can filter the external disturbance to make the control effect more precise.