骨板置放與模擬為利用電腦於術前模擬骨板的置放位置,提供醫師術前挑選合適的骨釘骨板等植入物,避免術中的不確定性,一般的模擬放置功能操作上不但繁瑣,且無法辨別過程中骨板有無陷入。本研究之骨板放置功能,以碰撞偵測技術為基礎,開發出便捷和快速的操作方式,不但自動貼附於骨表面和顯示貼附度,且絕無陷入之情況,並搭配PhysiGuide平台發展一長骨術前評估系統。最後驗證不陷入之正確性和貼附精度,再藉由兩個股骨與五個骨盆案例,比較本研究之骨板放置與原本放置方式之操作時間,說明此功能的可行性及廣用性。 Computer assisted implant placement and simulation provides information to aid the choice of the type and size of the implants in preoperative planning. The general implant placement and simulation is not only time consuming, but also insufficient in function. We present a method for implant placement based on a collision detection technique, and develop algorithms for appropriate attachment between the implant and the bone and the evaluation of the attachment. In particular, the proposed method guarantees no penetration between the implant and the bone, which is better than old scheme with rotation and translation algorithms. Finally, we combine the proposed method and PhysiGuide in a 3D medical imaging platform, for the preoperative planning of long bones. To verify the above scheme, two femur cases and five pelvic cases are used to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed method. The test results show that the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed implant placement method meet our design requirement.