道路工程為我國相當重要之公共建設工程,其施工品質的良窳往往會間接的影響民生生活,道路平順、人車安全也為台北市民所期盼的都市環境。雖然在過去台北市政府均有對台北市區道路進行養護工程,但是路面仍有起伏不平、坑洞此起彼落、地下管線經過之處更是時常開挖修補。有鑑於此,台北市政府提出於民國98年至民國103年為期6年之路平專案計畫,每年計畫更新面積約168萬平方公尺,並依據道路的狀況來排訂施作的順序。而為了加強路面養護績效,在工法以及材料均採取較高規模及較高標準之使用,使得單位預算成本為傳統養護型道路預算成本之四倍之多。然而國家公共建設計畫經費有限,必須在執行各項計畫時採用最有經濟效益之項目,且將施工過程到營運階段之社會成本降至最低,例如國賠案件減少、道路養護次數減少、使用者時間成本節省等。故本研究主要針對台北市路平專案之直接工程成本內容以及工程相關間接成本進行成本項目之確立,並分析台北市路平專案執行後可能帶來之效益,分別將成本項目及效益項目依照路平專案特性參數化且建立其計算通式。最後透過案例計算可以發現執行道路平整方案後在交通安全、環境、用路人等三個層面上帶來之效益成本比為0.65,表示此方案不符合經濟效益。因此希望本研究建立之模式能夠提供國家在執行相關道路養護執行決策時之考量,以節省成本之耗費,且能以經濟效益較佳之方案使用國家建設經費。 Roads connect cities to cities. Usability of them usually presents level of economic development for the cities. The research objective is to evaluate economic benefit for the project of road flatness improvement in Taipei City. Investigating literature facilitates understanding of the project itself, followed by data collection and basic analysis. The analysis establishes the framework, parameter settings, and function behaviors of the economic assessment model. The model consists of a mathematic function including safety, environmental impact, and motorist economy aspects. A case study containing comprehensive data of a road section, to which road flatness improvement has been applied, is adopted to implement and evaluate the economic assessment model. The result shows that it is not beneficial since the B/C ratio is 0.65 less than 1. The major suggestion for future studies lies in wider considerations for other quantifiable aspects that may represent the reality more so as to improve the proposed model.