本論文討論二十世紀阿根廷作曲家皮亞佐拉(Astor Pantale?n Piazzolla, 1921-1992)於1968年完成的小歌劇(operita)《布宜諾斯艾利斯的瑪麗亞》(Mar?a de Buenos Aires)。該作標榜為音樂史上第一齣完全以探戈寫成的小歌劇,也是皮亞佐拉個人創作生涯的重要里程碑,其重要性不言而喻。 本論文一開始將闡述皮亞佐拉的生平,及其新探戈(Nuevo Tango)的理念淵源與具體創作,同時論述探戈音樂的歷史、發展,皮亞佐拉與傳統探戈之間的交互作用,作為此作研究的基底。接著針對《布宜諾斯艾利斯的瑪麗亞》的內容和音樂創作進行分析。最後歸納整理其結構與音樂特色,以及參考皮亞佐拉其他作品,以內容與形式二方面統整新探戈的音樂風格。 The main principal of the thesis is probing into in-depth of an operita, Mar?a de Buenos Aires(1968), composed by an Argentina composer, Astor Piazzolla(1921-1992)in the 20th century. It is claimed as the first operita written entirely in tango in the music history, and is also an important milestone which Piazzolla marked in the career of his personal creation.The beginning of the thesis is from the biographic sketch of Piazzolla, to his origin concept and creation of the New Tango (Nuevo Tango). The history and the development of tango, and the interaction between Piazzolla and traditional tango as a base of opera research is also discussed in this section. The detailed analysis of the content and the musical creation of Mar?a de Buenos Aires is followed the previous part. A conclusion to collect his music features, and the integration of New Tango’s musical style from both aspects of content and style by referencing to composer’s other works is drawn at the last.