因應民間企業及國營事業單位對人力需求精簡化,又期望可獲得最大的效益。因此,利用最佳化模式來規劃人員排班為近來之趨勢。一般民間企業多以利益為導向,國內企業更是將人力精簡化及優化,作為企業獲利的指標。而政府相關企業因預算之編列不精準,則常有過剩且不公平的人力運用;以往人力派遣安排,係原於以往的經驗法則,致排班極度不公平,且效率不佳,使決策者如何維持其公平合理與效率性,則為一重要之課題。 本研究以整?0-1線性規劃為架構,建?一套?學最佳化模式,?用LINGO 8.0套裝軟體求解國際邊境檢查哨(站)人員公平且有效率之人力指派之組合。並依此目標值之相關參?調整及增減限制條件來推演方案分析,讓決策者俱有更彈性及公平的排班方式。本研究發現,模式除優於人工經驗指派外,另提供方案分析供決策者彈性使用,更可做為各相關企業之管理人力指派參考。 The private enterprise and the state-operated enterprise unit regarding the manpower demand fine simplification, and the expectation countermeasure may cause the enterprise to obtain the best business benefit. Therefore, planning the personnel using the optimization models pattern to arrange in groups is the strategy tendency. The private enterprise manages target is the benefit profit. The state enterprise manages target is the manpower simplification and the optimized manpower. However, the budget arrangement not property enough became the government correlation enterprise manpower utilization not balanced or surplus situation. Completes the manpower dispatch way based on the experience principle, causes to groups arrangement in the system unfair and low efficiency. The most important subject to policy-maker is formulating the effectiveness decision-making. This research takes 0-1 integer linear programming as a construction, establishes the optimization mathematics mold train. Deduces and confirms the international frontier checkpoint manpower arrangement using the LINGO 8.0 software fairness and the validity. Carries on the the relevant target parameter adjustment and increase or decrease the number of constraints to deduce the analysis to carry out the policy-making good and bad points. Enables the policy-maker to utilize fairer also has elastically arranges in groups the way. In addition, this research might cause improving the manpower dispatch way. This research provides the suggestion plans to the policy-maker the utilization. How this research can provide the correlation enterprise to refer to the manpower management and how the manpower dispatch.