本文鑑於傳統之充電電荷泵浦(Charge Pump)其調壓控制困難且複雜,提出將電感結合充電電荷泵浦之可調節式升壓型直流-直流轉換器設計,基於充電電荷泵浦之基礎加入電感器設計,結合切換式轉換器(Switching Converter)架構之優點,使其大幅提高線性調節度與轉換效率,在架構上簡化控制器設計之複雜度,並透過詳盡計算分析,使架構之各項參數與規格可透過公式計算得知,以增加本架構於應用時之便利性。最後以模擬和實際製作電路,驗證本電路確實可行且具其效果。 本文提出之電路架構改善直流轉換器之兩項重要參數-效能(最大可達 97.5%)與負載調節度(0.76mV/mA),此外電壓轉換比例可由責任週期調整,不再受限於電路架構,使控制更直覺以及大幅降低設計之複雜度。 The charge pump circuits are usually not regulated in the past, or detect the current of the capacitance be a feedback signal. That is difficult to make controller and can’t get higher efficiency and need more current detector. To enhance the accuracy and the stability, this thesis presented a novel design of step up regulated charge pump which coupled inductor and design the feedback circuit by an un-complex voltage feedback to control the charging duty retio. The power efficiency also can be improvement by the new topology. As a result, the battery life can be increased, which makes charge pump more attractive. The measured results show that the input voltage indeed can be step up to the desired output voltage. The new structure improves the efficiency(97.5%)、load regulation(0.76mV/mA) of the charge pump circuit. Furthermore, the regulated scheme makes the voltage conversion ratio no longer predetermined by the converter topology, and can be varied by adjusting the duty ratio.