研究期間:10111~10207;Among all Taiwan and United States’ industries, construction industry is the one having the most occupational hazard events. One of the main causes is construction project participants’ unfavorable attitudes, including ignorance, negligence and disobedience, toward safety requirements regulated in different construction safety documents, such as construction contracts and safety regulations. The attitudes of ignorance and negligence can be addressed by raising construction project participants’ awareness of safety requirements through better construction safety planning. However, the huge number of safety requirements of different construction safety documents may hinder project participants from carefully searching through them for identifying applicable requirements. In addition, current tools and approaches for raising awareness of safety requirements are not sufficient. Hence, a formalized approach is required for automating the identification of construction safety requirements. The approach should enable identifying safety requirements more efficiently (i.e. saving time in the identification process) and effectively (i.e. better identify both directly and inferentially relevant requirements) and make it feasible to more easily raise project participants’ awareness of safety requirements. The proposed ontology-based approach is envisioned to at least have the following advantages throughout the life-cycle of a project: (1) help develop project-specific safety requirement lists to support current practices of relying on safety experts and general safety checklists; and (2) enable to take safety requirements into account earlier in a project and possibly affect its design and schedule, if safety requirements can be identified in the planning and design phases of a project.