本論文研究上海開埠至今(2013年)的崑曲活動及發展。 西元1843年11月17日在南京條約的五口通商章程協定下,上海正式開埠,從此展開了不同於中國其他城市的炫麗面貌。此際的中國,除了鴉片戰爭的失敗,尚遭遇太平天國及小刀會的侵襲。內亂與外患使得百姓大規模地自蘇浙遷徙到滬;通商重心的轉移造成崑曲演出及發展重心的轉移,崑班或因逃難、或隨錢潮一同來到上海。 然而清末以降,近代的中國王朝更迭,戰爭不斷。上海占有地利之優勢,使得局勢相對穩定,在文化上則是中西交會、百家爭鳴。這塊土地孕育了「海派」戲曲的誕生,而當古老的崑曲,在海派潮流的衝擊下,會有甚麼樣的遭遇,能撞擊出甚麼樣的火花。放眼上海崑曲跨越兩個世紀,超過一百五十年,起起落落磕磕絆絆,苦難大於順遂、寂寥裕於榮錦;透過這段歷史,本文將雕塑完整的近、現代崑曲在上海起伏流變的樣貌。; Kunqu history of Shanghai Abstract Preliminary research of Kunqu history of Shanghai,From AD 1843 to today(2013). Treaty of Nanking(signed in August 29, 1842. Became effective in June 26, 1843) signing ends the First opium war (September 4, 1839 -1842 in August 29), After this, Shanghai began to fix concession,open and trade with foreigners. Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Dagger Group Prelude and the First opium war occurred almost at the same time .Many of the people in Soochow,Zhejiang went over to Shanghai during these wars, Kunqu's base from Soochow to Shanghai. Mergence of western and eastern cultures, a hundred schools contend in Shanghai. The modern cultural consumption environment fostered Shanghai style opera.When ancient Kunqu met Shanghai style, What would spark. This treatise expound Kunqu change and developing in Shanghai.