現今以傳統手術方式為顴骨骨折進行復位,還有其無法達成的困難, 在醫師不能見到頭骨全貌的情況下,將斷面相銜接實不能稱為正確的復位, 若斷面有所缺損,可能會復位至較凹陷的位置而失去兩頰對稱性。本研究 旨在開發一套導引顴骨復位手術導引系統,使用光學定位器作為術中導引 的系統,由自行編寫的復位規劃程式,使醫師在操作容易的環境,直接在 影像中達成正確的復位,之後以快速成型技術製作病人的假體,在假體上 進行復位手術的模擬,得到預彎折骨板和骨釘位置,利用本研究的註冊方 式使其與真實病患作結合,達成復位手術的導引。實驗結果證實本研究開 發出來的導引系統,可以復位骨塊至術前規劃的位置,解決傳統微創手術 方式無法克服的困難。; The traditional minimally invasive treatments for zygoma reduction are still not able to solve some clinical problems. Without seeing the whole skull appearance, and the fracture surface has already lost some bones, surgeons are unable to place zygomatic bone to the correct alignment. Our purpose is developing a new surgical navigation system that solves these problems. By our visual alignment program, we can achieve ideal pre-surgical planning in 3D reconstruction. We apply rapid prototyping technique to manufacturing a phantom that zygoma has been restored, so we can practice surgical simulation on the phantom to acquire prebent plates and the screw potions. With our algorithm for registration, we can place zygoma to be as the same position as in simulation in actual surgery. The results prove that post-surgical outcome reappear our pre-surgical planning, and the system overcomes the traditional problems.