本論文以杜文瀾與《憩園詞話》二者為研究對象,在前人研究基礎上,擴展且深入探討考究,本文幾項重要研究成果皆是學界尚未涉及的,如: 其一,《憩園詞話》現存三種版本(稿本、清抄本、《詞話叢編》本)書況概述及校勘。 其二,詳實考述杜文瀾生平事蹟與交遊,包含杜文瀾家庭成員、道光三十年以前的遊幕行蹤考,以及咸豐元年至光緒三年間入仕行蹤考。交遊方面,梗概介紹與杜文瀾交誼深厚,並與其詞壇關係較密切的十六位詞人文士。 其三,概要分梳杜文瀾現存二十餘種著作,述各書之刊行版本、編寫動機、書目內容等。 其四,根據四種證據,考訂杜文瀾撰寫《憩園詞話》之時間為光緒三年至光緒七年間。 其五,《憩園詞話》對學術界之貢獻與價值,如存錄曾國藩詞作、對後世詞話《小三吾亭詞話》、《忍古樓詞話》體例的啟迪之功等 其六,從人際交誼層面,可尋繹杜文瀾對鄭文焯、冒廣生、夏敬觀等詞人的影響之跡。 本文梳理杜文瀾與《憩園詞話》研究成果,於第二章末增列「杜文瀾生平著述年表」,以清讀者眉目。 ;This paper mainly discusses Du Wenlan(杜文瀾) and Qiyuan Cihua(憩園詞話). There are six important research results in this paper. First, the description of Qiyuan Cihua in three editions of this book status and differences. Second, introduce Du Wenlan’s life and experiences, including Du Wenlan’s family members and friends. Third, the introduction of all his writings. Fourth, according to four things evidence that the time of writing Qiyuan Cihua between 1877-1881. Fifth, recognize the academic value of Qiyuan Cihua. Sixth, to explore Du Wenlan’s influence on Zheng Wen Zhuo(鄭文焯)、Mao Guang Sheng(冒廣生)、Xia Jing Guan(夏敬觀) from friendships. In addition, there is the chronology of Du Wenlan’s life and writings in this paper.