家庭污水已成為我國河川最大的污染來源,防救之道為加速台灣地區污水下水道建設,過去礙於法令之限制,於推動污水下水道建設時僅能依循傳統工程採購模式,將分管及支管之設計與施工分段實施,其結果為建設期程拖延甚長、道路開挖頻繁、瀝青混凝土二次鋪築、分管及支管之期程銜接與界面整合等問題,皆造成社會成本之耗費。自政府採購法正式施行後,現行公共工程採購鼓勵興利重於防弊之行政裁量,而統包之適法性已明確規範於其中,故可多方應用此採購模式之特性於污水下水道工程建設上。 本研究針對現行分支管網工程之執行方式進行比較,並依據新法賦予分支管設計及施工整合之可能性,提出合於法律規定之各種污水下水道分支管網及用戶連接管工程興建模式。此外,應用層級分析法(AHP)由政策面及執行面建立分支管網工程興建方式成效評估模式,據以推估各類興建方式之預期成效。 本研究經系統性歸納整理後,共研擬十九種可行之分支管工程興建方式,並透過本研究所建立之成效評估模式,以專家問卷之方式調查工程主辦單位、工程顧問公司及營造工程廠商對於各類興建方式之預期成效,並據此針對各類興建方式進行預期成效之優選排序,期能作為各縣市政府主辦單位依其人力與經驗選用之參考,以達成政府大力提升污水下水道接管率之政策。 Untreated household sewage has become a main source of environmental pollution in Taiwan. To tackle this problem, sewerage collection systems must be built as efficiently as possible. Among many urgent tasks, rationalizing a suitable engineering procurement approach remains to be contemplated. The enactment of Government Procurement Law provides high potential to solving this predicament. This work focuses on evaluating various procurement models is constructing the sewerage collection system, including pipes which run between households and sewer mains. It first develops the performance criteria of sewerage pipe construction, primarily based on expert knowledge. Then, it examines a total of nineteen sewerage branch procurement methods and evaluates the projected performance of each. The Analytic Hierarchy Process method is employed for compiling and verifying surveyed results. The main finding of this work is a confirmation that integration between design and construction is a key success factor in sewer system construction. There is a strong correlation between the degree of integration and project performance. It is also important to retrospect the existing contracting strategy, in which conventional separation between design and construction prevails and construction contracts tend to be grouped by piping characteristics rather than collection system logistics. In order to promote environmental protection and the advancement of modern life, timely delivery of sewer systems is of utmost importance in terms of economy and politics.