本論文為建置多激發波長與溫度效應之螢光粉光學模型,並可預測LEDs在不同溫度下的色座標點飄移。首先我們由螢光粉模型中的吸收係數與轉換係數著手,並找尋相對應LEDs不同激發波長間的吸收與轉換係數。在吸收係數的部份,使用自行定義的吸收能力以對應不同激發波長之吸收係數,而在轉換係數的部份,使用自行定義的激發能力以對應不同激發波長之轉換係數。之後,在考量溫度效應下,LEDs激發波長的偏移,使得螢光粉之吸收與轉換係數的改變,造成LEDs光色表現改變。最後,透過比較模擬與實驗來驗證多激發波長與溫度效應之螢光粉光學模型。;In this thesis, we build up the phosphor optical model with multiple pumping wavelengths and thermal effect. This model can predict the shift of the color coordinate at different temperatures. We make the thermal prediction by changing the absorption coefficients and conversion coefficients. Accordingly, we have to find the relationship of absorption coefficient between different wavelengths first by defining the ability of absorption to link. Secondly, the conversion coefficients also need to find the relationship between different wavelengths. Hence, we use the ability of excitation to calculate the conversion coefficients between different wavelengths. However, with the thermal effect in turning on LEDs, the output flux decay of the yellow light must be added. Finally, we can change the absorption coefficients and conversion coefficients to predict the shift of the color coordinate. Last but not the least, we will compare the experiment with the simulation to verify the method.