隨著金屬玻璃及金屬玻璃複合材料的發展,本研究致力於塊狀金屬玻璃應用於生醫器械之開發,首先選定了具有極佳玻璃形成能力及良好熱穩定性的鋯基金屬玻璃Zr48Cu35.3Al8Ag8Si0.7,並使用額外添加法加入百分之十體積百分率、粒徑大小約5至30微米的鉭顆粒,使其成為非晶質複合材料。另外還選用了具有良好玻璃形成能力、熱穩定性佳、同時具有高比強度的Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14。最後則是選用了Zr53Cu30Al8Nb4.5Pd4.5,此成分不僅繼承了鋯基優異的玻璃形成能力及熱穩定性,還去除了應用於生醫用材料會誘發過敏的鎳。 本研究根據文獻設計一反向拉伸試驗夾具,此夾具兩端連接於萬能試驗機上,藉由萬能試驗機提供等速率的模式進行測試,分析金屬玻璃鑽頭與市售醫用鑽頭的鑽孔能力的優劣。夾具一端固定電鑽,另一端固定被鑽樣品:豬後腿腿骨,並模擬實際骨科手術進行的狀況。藉由最後的分析結果可以發現,非晶質合金和其複材製作之鑽頭具有較平整的切削刃、較低之摩擦係數,因而表現出較低的鑽孔負荷,同時表面的磨耗亦較為輕微,詳細的比較列於各章節之中。由機械性質的比較來看,即使非晶質合金部分的特性如硬度不若市售骨骼鑽頭所選用的麻田散不鏽鋼來得強,但仍具有較佳之鑽孔效果,由此研究證明了此非晶質材料的確具有應用上的優勢以及發展性。 ;As the development of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) and bulk metallic glass composites (BMGCs) grows, this study focus on the application as biomaterials. Three compositions: Zr48Cu35.3Al8Ag8Si0.7 with 10 vol. % ex-situ Ta powder, Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14, and Zr53Cu30Al8Nb4.5Pd4.5 have been chosen. Choosing the Zr-based composite is due to its good glass forming ability (GFA), high thermal stability, and the enhance plasticity for better formability of machining. The Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14 has relatively high specific strength, and great corrosion resistance. Zr53Cu30Al8Nb4.5Pd4.5 not only keeps the great GFA and thermal stability from Zr-based series, but also exclude the harmful element: Nickel which may cause irritation. In this study, the characteristic of BMGC properties has been characterized. Furthermore, the as-cast BMGC rods are also manufactured into orthopedic drill bits. A compression device by revers pulling is designed for the drilling test. Through the drill testing and morphology examination of the drill bits, the BMGC drill bits will compare with the commercial surgical drill bit to realize their difference. From the result we can find the surgical drill bit made by BMGC takes lower loading while drilling the real bone. The wear of BMG or BMGC materials is less, too. Though some of the hardness of BMG is lower than commercial martensitic stainless steel, the performance is still better.