政府採購法自八十八年五月二十七日實施後,對於公共工程委託技術服務案件如何評選廠商,雖然本法及相關子法已有相關規定可供辦理機關遵循,但各主辦機關在辦理評選過程中,仍需投注相當之人力、物力。尤其非工程專責單位,例如國中小學、醫療機構、警政單位等,在辦理經驗闕如及承辦人員多為兼職情況下,若沒有一套作業流程可供遵循,對承辦人員而言將是一項負擔。若承辦人員不熟悉法令或辦理流程不夠嚴謹,不但延宕作業時程,甚而影響評選結果,也容易產生爭議。 就工程生命週期而言,規劃設計及監造之服務經費,佔總工程費比率不高,但規劃設計及監造的品質良窳,足以影響工程執行可行性、施工品質、工程期限、建造成本、社會反應、完工後經營管理及維護難易,因此規劃設計及監造對工程計畫成敗影響深遠。但公共工程除了少數工程專責機關具有專業人員可自行辦理外,大多機關往往限於人力或能力不足,須委託技術服務廠商辦理。所以如何公平公開及有效率,評選出具有專案經驗、技術與人員之服務廠商,為工程計畫成功第一關鍵。 有鑑於此,本研究將就現行採購制度下,針對公共工程委託技術服務廠商評選作業流程,藉由文獻探討、問卷設計、分析招標文件及主辦機關深入訪談研究方法等,探討機關辦理委託技術服務時,其執行作業流程及應辦事項相關之作業模式。俾提供機關辦理之參考,祈能提昇評選品質。主要研究成果如下: 一、 公共工程辦理委託技術服務評選作業現況問題探討。 二、 建立機關辦理公共工程委託技術服務之作業流程。 三、 建立機關辦理委託技術服務廠商評選作業模式。 Since the Government Procurement Law (GPL) is enacted on May 27, 1999, as for choosing the firms of entrusting technical services, the GPL and its implementation regulations have provided clear guidance for the responsible agencies to follow. However, practicing the law would require government agencies tremendous effort in conducting a fair and transparent evaluation process Especially for those agencies which have little prior experience in carrying out construction work, such as public schools, public hospitals and police agencies, abiding the law not only incur great administrative burden, but also increase the chance of imperfect procurement process. Obviously, a set of workable procedural guideline to follow is what is called for. The merit of such a guideline will assist the responsible officials to be familiar with the law, and to facilitate the procurement process, in terms of time and quality. The potential of preventing procurement related disputes are also great. Assurance of the time and quality of procurement will also help ensure choosing the right firm for the technical service needed. In view of these needs, this study will investigate and develop the procedural guideline, and delineate the associated process charts for easy adoption. This procedural guideline is a mix product of literature research, compilation of practical procurement experience and expert knowledge. This work will begin by studying past tender and procurement documents. Then a specially tailored questionnaire survey is conducted upon a group of practitioners specializing in government procurement. In-depth discussions are held with each surveyed individual. The main contribution of this study is to deliver the missing link between the law and everyday procurement practice. The key achievements include the followings: A. Summary of current issues concerning practicing the newly enacted procurement law. B. Development of a workable procedural guideline of the procurement law. Working process for institutions concerned to deal with the entrusting service of public construction projects. C. Formulating a standardized implementation model for conducting technical service procurement.