本研究將實驗室多年研究開發的振噪訊號分析演算法利用 LabVIEW^® 與 MATLAB^® 程式互相搭配編寫成人機介面,並系統性地架構於ㄧ工具箱介面,開發一套適用於旋轉機械互動式監測診斷系統。 論文涵蓋訊號分析理論基礎、介面功能規劃測試、及工廠實務驗證等。理論基礎中介紹並比較介面內有的訊號分析演算法;預設機械運轉時可能發生的問題設計實驗,實際量測並善用各演算法優點,分析診斷機械運轉狀態,藉此測試系統的有效性,確認可達到機械狀態監測診斷之目的。 研究中至業界廠房進行實地量測,對研磨機進行軸承狀態監測,並由軸承分析結果與加工工件品質進行討論,結果驗證本研究人機介面系統能有效的分析診斷研磨機狀態。 ;The purpose of this study is employing LabVIEW® and MATLAB® to establish the user interface for the algorithm of signal analysis and developing a monitoring system for diagnosing the rotary machine. The thesis includes the theoretical foundation of signal analysis and verification of the functional performance of the interface. This study designed the experiments for testing the efficiency of each algorithm when monitoring the rotary machines. After verifying the efficiency of each algorithms, the system is used to monitor the status of bearing in grinding machine of the factory. According to the analytical result of discussing the quality of the workpiece, the system is confirmed to have high accuracy for diagnosing the status.