而連結地方與新坡國小的各項活動,自創校以來持續舉行,新坡國小也受到地方的支援,尤其是獎助學金及校友的回饋,該校也以出借場地回饋地方,這些互動都促進地區與新坡國小情感的聯繫,而畢業校友在政治、體育、音樂等各方面都相當優異,更有許多校友返校服務。 ;Sinpo Elementary School was established over ninety years old. This research paper was done based on collected records and publishtions.First of all,the background form when Sinpo Public School was first established during the Japanese-Occupation of Taiwan,and the activities that they had engaged in.Students no matter if they were Taiwanese or Japanese,all got along with each other very well;they even continued their education throughout the wars.Not to mention the connection and interaction with local people was also tight. Under the leadership of principal Lai-Jin Jeng,Sinpo School developed smoothly after the war.Therefore,the details of his life and the history of the school’s development to better understand the increase of student attendance and the growth of the school.Ever since 1961, Sinpo Elementary School has been a model example in many ways.Teachers at the school not only taught students diligently but also become examples among teachers.These teachers were imitated by domestic and international groups.The ideal was to spread education throughout the nation and world-wide by the visitors. The activities which link the school and local people together have continued ever since the school was established.Moreover,the school has been supported by local people and school official by way scholarship and donations. The interactions between the school and the community have further strengthened the bonds between these two groups.Furthermore,students who have graduated from Sinpo Elementary School have performed very well in society.Many of the alumni have went on to have success in politics,and sports.Some of the students who have graduated from Sinpo even returned and led successful careers as school officials.