本論文目的是利用半導體的製程技術積體化聲光可調光濾波器之波長轉換器,利用聲光作用,於鈮酸鋰(LiNbO3)晶片上,製作執行TE/TM模轉換器,並與TE/TM分離器積體化,以作為波長轉換器(wavelength conversion)的功能。 先利用三維光束傳播法電腦程式,模擬得出TE/TM模分離器的最佳參數條件,再利用相位匹配原理(phase matching condition)得出表面聲波的頻率。 在Z切Y傳播的鈮酸鋰基板上製作TE/TM模分離器,以驗證最初的理論設計,其次製作表面聲波元件,得到與設計上相符合的中心頻率,最後製作整個聲光可調光濾波器之波長轉換器(acoustooptically-tunable optical filter, AOTF),量測其模態轉換,並配合外插量測(heterodyne detection)方法,來驗證波長轉換器確實是有發生功用,並找出最佳的聲波頻率。 In the dense wavelength division multiplexer network, the blocking probability rises due to possible wavelength contention when two channels at the same wavelength are to be routed at the same output. One method of overcoming this limitation is to converter signals from one wavelength to another. By using the wavelength converter, a large network with dynamic traffic patterns will greatly benefit from wavelength conversion. Wavelength conversion also allows distributing the network control and management into small subnetwork and allows flexible wavelength assignment within the network. Beside, by using wavelength converter and output filter array, the optical space switches can be constructed. In this project, we develop an integrated acoustooptical tunable optical filter functioned as wavelength converter used in dense wavelength division multiplexer network. In this wavelength converter, an integrated TE/TM mode converter and TE/TM splitter combination was fabricated in LiNbO3 substrate.