生物感測技術(biosensing technology)是泛指對生物樣本中的微量化學、生物分子濃度或分子間反應進行檢測分析。光學生物感測器因為具高敏感度、快速檢測的優點,近年來被積極採用於生物感測的研究中,而全反射受挫法(Attenuated Total Reflection, ATR)與反射式干涉光譜法(Reflectometry Interference Spectroscopy, RIFS)就是其中的兩種。 本論文是以全反射受挫與反射式干涉光譜法在實驗及理論上比較對streptavidin分子在polystyrene膜表面結合(adsorption) 之反應,作一個定性的分析,並比較其優缺點。 Optical biosensing has the advantages of high sensitivity, convenience, sensing real-time and fast detection. Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) and Reflectometry Interference Spectroscopy (RIFS) are both optical sensors and were applied well in biosensing technology. In this paper, we compare ATR with RIFS by sensing the adsorption of streptavidin on the polystyrene film surface. The advantages and disadvantages of ATR and RIFS were also discussed.