本論文主要目的為設計一套更快速量測對於不同波長光源的照射下,微藻之光合作用速率之量測新方法。在過去量測微藻對於不同光譜之光源的生長速度大多使用分光光度計來量測,但此方法必須花上好幾天的時間。因為小球藻為單細胞生物,它並沒有氣孔可以像一般植物能藉由氣孔來排放氧氣和二氧化碳來觀察此現象,所以本研究之方法為藉由計算微藻藻體內的葉綠體和細胞壁本身的面積變化找出新方法得知微藻對於光的反應。實驗系統架構使用不同波長之LED光源照射微藻,量測實驗光源之波長,並使用光學顯微鏡和數位相機得到微藻之影像資訊,其後藉由影像處理和傅立葉轉換得到微藻面積變化的頻譜圖,並將此結果與微藻之吸收頻譜做比較,成功驗證此新方法。;The main purpose of this study is to propose a new method to measure the reaction of photosynthesis and respiration of microalgae to determine whether the light is good for the growth of microalgae when it’s lighted by different spectrum of LED light sources. In our experimental set up we use optical microscope and digital camera to capture the video of chlorella, and we choose the peak of absorption spectrum of chlorella in blue, red and yellow LED light sources, in order to tested this new method. We use image processing and Fourier transform to get the freqency spectrum of the area changes of chlorella. Finally we analyze the experimental and its experimental results are in accordance to the absorption spectrum of chlorella. Therefore we have proposed a new and quick method to measure the photosynthesis and respiration of microalgae and it’s reaction to the different spectrum of light.