近年來國內為促進經濟成長加強各項基礎建設,尤其交通建設列為首要,故大型公共工程在過去幾年蓬勃發展,各項施工技術、管理知識皆有長足進步,對工程監造方面亦大力推動各項品質管理有關訓練,使公共工程品質大為提昇。唯過去大部份著眼於技術層面發展,少有成本效益方面考量,最近政府財政短缺各項經費皆須做最有效安排,故在工程監造工作中,過去較少探討之人員使用成本效益及工作效益問題變的重要。蓋充分且有效的使用人力,除可符合成本經濟原則外,並有助於工程管理品質之提昇,同時可使政府預算使用分配具最佳之效果。以往,營建工程界對監造人力使用需求規劃皆採用經驗法則作為人力資源之安排,唯此方式無法產生良好成本控制效益。 緣此,本文針對工程監造不同人力資源(政府工程部門內部人力與外聘專業機構人力)之需求、供給及工作作業之關係條件等問題,構建數學規劃模式與求解方法,並以求得單一專案工程監造工作總成本最小化為目標,所得成果可供實務界在工作排程與人力資源規劃及成本控制等之專案管理工作式正確性,並進行敏感度分析,最後對研究結果及心得提出結論及建議。 In the recent years, Taiwan has been enforcing its infrastructure to speed economic growth. Transportation has been emphasized, with large scale public projects on —going. Construction and management have all improved, due to the government enforcing training of quality control. As a result, construction quality has greatly risen. In the past, much attention was given to the technology, therefore cost efficiency was rarely considered and lowly prioritized. Recently the government budget has shrunk, forcing costs to be spent most efficiently. Now human resources are optimized, giving much improved cost efficiency. In the past, human resources had been allocated by sheer experience, leading to poor cost control. This essay provides a different technique for labor allocation (between government and external/private organizations), using mathematical formulas and computerized calculations. Mathematical models are constructed and solutions are found given constrains such as costs minimization. This should enhance the management of human resources, tasks, and cost control. This research uses 0-1 integer programme for the mathematical model to attain a solution that is optimized, given the constraints that are inputted by the user. This research uses a mathematical programming software —lingo ,to solve the problem. Finally, a case study is performed using the actual data of a large public project in Taiwan.