自從壓電陶瓷材料被發明出來後,許許多多利用其小體積且高轉換效率的研究和應用相繼被發表出來。 近年來為了減少電源供應器的體積並提高其轉換效率,利用壓電陶瓷材料製作成的壓電變壓器可以輕易的達到此目的。 本文將討論壓電變壓器的壓電性質、驅動壓電變壓器和研究如何利用壓電變壓器作為顯示器的背光光源的驅動電路。 Along with the invention of piezoelectric ceramic, there were many other small-sized but highly efficiency- transformed devices being researched and developed since then. In order to reduce the volume of power supplies and raise its efficiency simultaneously, researchers use piezoelectric transformers made by piezoelectric ceramic to serve their purpose. This thesis focuses in the piezoelectricity of piezoelectric ceramic, how to motivate a piezoelectric transformer, and how to use piezoelectric transformers to drive the backlight source.