摘 要 本研究內容主要區分為六個項目:第一、運用國際慣用規範檢測台灣地區單一岩種粒料活性,以瞭解台灣地區單一岩種活性粒料之分佈,及提出適合於台灣地區之粒料活性檢測方法;第二、探討鋰離子在混凝土中之作用;第三、以氫氧化鋰抑制新拌混凝土鹼質與粒料反應(AAR),探討在台灣地區特有環境對氫氧化鋰抑制新拌混凝土AAR之成效影響;第四、利用單維電場方法分析影響AAR問題之鋰、鈉及鉀等離子的傳輸行為,以掌握電化學技術運用於AAR維護之特性及影響因素。另藉離子傳輸行為與處理後之試體長度變化比較,評估抑制成效。第五、藉二維電場作用下之離子傳輸行為,分析電化學技術實際應用於混凝土結構物維護,所可能面臨之問題及運用方法。第六、提出結構物AAR問題之電化學維修策略,及電化學方法維修AAR問題可採取之技術作為。 研究發現在採樣的個案中,具活性之粒料均取自於東部地區,以ASTM C1293方法判定為活性粒料者,包括東河綠色及黃色安山岩、變質砂岩。;ASTM C289適合運用於非活性粒料鑑別,ASTM C1260過於保守,但適合作為快速品管工具。若採取添加鋰化合物作為AAR抑制劑,應該要特別注意其添加量是否達到有效用量。單維及二維電場作用之離子傳輸過程區分三個階段,電場作用下之離子傳輸行為,可以預判AAR電化學維修成效,而影響AAR電化學維修成效之因素包括:離子濃度、混凝土材料配比、試體齡期、電場配置及通電條件等。 Abstract The scope of this research is essentially six fold: 1) evaluate the alkali reactivity of aggregates in Taiwan using ASTM C289, C227, C1260, and C1293 tests; 2) research the reaction of lithium ion in concrete; 3) study the effect of using LiOH as expansion inhibitor on alkali-aggregate reaction in different environments; 4) study the transport of ions in concrete due to the action of 1D electrical field as the driving force; 5) study the transport of ions in concrete due to the action of 2D electrical field as the driving force; 6) purpose the strategy of preventing AAR damage in concrete using electrochemical technique Test results showed that ASTM C289 test is suitable to accept aggregates but not to reject them. C1260 test is too severe for many aggregates, but C1260 can be used as a quality control method. The amount of expansion could be inhibited when the Li/Na molar ratio was greater than 0.74 in humid environments. For the environments containing alkalis, the effective Li/Na molar ratio to inhibit expansion was increased. To shorten the treatment time and increase the treatment effect, this research by means of electrochemical technique with 1D and 2D electrical fields drove lithium ions into and removed sodium ions from mortar bars. The performance of preventing AAR can observe the increasing lithium and sodium concentrations in the cathode solution, which can be divided into three steps. Results showed that ions concentration, proportioning of concrete mixtures, curing time, and electrical fields design are affected the treatment effect.