近年來,隨著無線通訊的蓬勃發展,所產生的電磁場的安全性受到科學界與一般民眾的關切,因此電磁場的量測技術及電磁防護便顯得重要。發展可精確量測的電磁波量測系統,進而研究其對於環境、生物的影響,將有助於在此方面之了解。 本文採用鈮酸鋰晶體鈦擴散製程,製作可於線性區工作之無偏壓馬氏調制器,配合感應天線與調制電極之結合,完成光電電磁場感測器。另外,利用微型化感應天線與馬氏調制器積體化製程,完成光電電磁場感測器微型化目標。最後完成電磁場感測器系統模組,以實際的運用量測來驗證鈮酸鋰光電電磁場感測器優異的特性。藉由本文的研究成果,將可提昇國內在電磁場量測技術的發展及應用的能力與前景。In view of the progress of wireless communications, the security of electromagnetic field is concerned by the mass population. Therefore, the EM Field detective technology will be respected gradually. The accurate EM Field detective system will be contributive to the study in biology and environment ecology. In this thesis, we focus on the research and develop the applications of Mach-Zehnder modulator with micro antenna in electrooptical electromagnetic sensors. We study the basic configuration of the no bias Mach-Zehnder modulator, high sensitivity electrooptical electromagnetic sensors and the packaged module of fiber coupling with electrooptical electromagnetic detective system. According to the experimental results, This integrated structure of electromagnetic field sensor can be potentially employed in electromagnetic measurement.