本研究將LED之驅動結合負回饋控制,並提出兩種LED之驅動模式來改善該光源受熱效應之影響。其一為解決點亮LED時亮度衰退的問題,以電控驅動使光功率能夠維持,其光束維持率高達0.98以上;其二為改善熱效應致LED運作於低效率差的狀態,使用電控驅動穩定p-n接面溫度,其光功率增幅能高達7.5%。新式電控驅動模式能使LED的缺點能夠得到改善,使得原本就高的轉換效率能夠表現更佳,發光行為表現更穩定。;In this thesis, two innovative driving modes are proposed to improve the thermal effect when turning on LEDs. The traditional driving mode will induce two shortcomings. The first one is the initial state with radiant power drop dramatically, and make the light maintenance is above 0.98. The second one is driving with heat accumulating state which leads to low efficiency, and the enhancement of optical power can up to 7.5%. The innovative driving mode can conquer the obstacle which traditional driving modes have. With the driving mode, the efficiency of LEDs can perform better and the emitting property can be more stable.