近年來,由於材料及製造技術上的進度,使得發光二極體的亮度及色彩逐漸增加並開始應用於照明上,因此發光效率、演色性、色溫等照明上的需求有開始受到重視。 本文中提出了一套可配合發光二極體混光設計的優化方式,並以實際模擬實驗證明了此優化方式的效果。包括了提升演色性、尋找符合照明需求的最大發光效率、設計可調變色溫之標準太陽光源,除了照明需求,在顯示器背光源設計中,也可應用於背光源發效率及顯示色域的平衡優化設計。 使用兩顆甚至更多數量的單色發光二極體混光的方式,配合一套可針對需求的照明特性進行混光組合條件優化的演算法,可有效的提升照明光源在各項照明指標上的特性;不需要重新設計發光二極體的製程結構或是尋找新的材料,可以降低製造成本,配合發光二極體驅動電路的設計,就可以配合需求產生更多樣的變化。 Recently, advances in materials and manufacture have resulted in the commercial availability of light emitting diode (LED) with high luminance and dominant wavelengths spanning the entire visible spectrum. The applications of LED in illumination are up roaring, and solution with color properties, luminous efficacy, color rendering, color temperature, etc. are in urgent need. Therefore, an effective method for optimizing any color properties we require is very critical and necessary. To study new material of phosphor to combine with the LED chip or new LED structure to emit different spectrum could improve them. In addition, to combine with different kind of LEDs could achieve the same purpose and even with much lower cost. In this thesis, it has developed such an optimization method for combination with different color LEDs. This method allows for deriving the optimal mixing ratio of luminance of each LED in order to obtain the best color properties for illumination. By using this optimization method, a white LED whose color temperature (CT) is approximately 6500 K and color rendering index (CRI) is 70, can be improved its CRI better than 80 and its correlated color temperature (CCT) down to near 3000 K simultaneously. Moreover, it could produce one which is more close to the warm-white lighting, and it is possible to substitute for the incandescent lamp. Besides, the best color luminous efficacy could be also evolved from this optimization method while CRI is good enough to apply for indoor lighting. To structure an adjustable standard daylight source and to deal in a trad-off color gamut and luminous efficacy of display backlight are also able to use in this optimizing method.