本論文主要之目的在探討桃園國際機場地面燈光更新計畫對於第II類精確進場跑道之燈光系統建置實例。文中首先說明桃園機場既有燈光系統現況,並實際比較燈光系統整建之前後差異。接著參考國際民用航空組織ICAO之規範作為第II類精確進場跑道之燈光系統運作標準,說明機場地面燈光係由進場燈、跑道燈及滑行道燈組成,並且停電時須能1秒鐘內恢復亮燈,讓飛行員看得見。為此,本文提供桃園機場地面燈光更新計畫對於燈光變電站供電架構特性及備用電源之設置分析與實現。最後整合桃園機場地面燈光變電站供電系統之功能驗測及南邊跑滑道燈光建置成果,以顯出桃園機場地面燈光更新計畫如何實現第II類精確進場跑道之燈光系統,使得05R-23L南跑道能於第II類精確進場低能見度天候下運作,起飛和降落標準提升至降落僅需300公尺,起飛175公尺,大幅提升機場營運及服務效能。;The subject of this thesis is the case study of airfield ground lighting for CAT II operations in the upgrade project for the Taoyuan International Airport. After the description of the status of existing lightings, the comparison of the old and new lightings are given in this thesis. Meanwhile, according to International Civil Aviation Organization standards, airfield ground lighting for CAT II operations must include approach lights, runway lights, and taxiway lights, which must be restored within 1 second after a power failure to keep lights always visible to the pilots.Then, the implementation and analysis of the primary power and secondly power are discussed using a real case of substations at the Taoyuan International Airport. Finally, constructions and testing in the upgrade project revealed that airfield ground lighting on the South Runway 05R-23L meet the CAT II requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization. Furthermore, because South Runway 05R-23L was upgraded to a CAT II runway, the distance required for takeoff and landing was reduced to 300 m and 175 m respectively. It improves remarkably the operation and service efficiency.