都市熱島效應會隨著都市發展在人工建物之擴張而增強,甚至對於都會區降雨的分布產生影響,都市熱島效應之監測因此成為近年來都會區重要的議題之一。隨著空間資訊技術的發展,衛星遙測技術具有多頻譜、多時空解析以及資料擷取快速等優點,本研究因而應用於台北都市發展與熱島效應之分析,包括建物二維及三維變量之影響。本文以二維的建蔽率與三維的容積率為都市發展程度之指標,配合地面氣象站所量得之氣溫以及衛星觀測所觀測之地表溫度,探討熱島效應與容積率及建蔽率間之關係。結果顯示其間之相關性顯著,但在不同的發展區域有不同程度的影響,如建蔽率在郊區及開發中區域與熱島效應強度有良好的線性關係、而容積率則對高度開發地區的關係最為明顯。此外,容積率與日夜溫差也呈現高度相關性,突顯出容積率為高度開發區域中除風場及降雨等氣象因子外,影響熱島強度的重要因素,尤其是夜間都會區降溫速率與整體建物體積密切相關。;In general, the intensity of urban heat island (UHI) effect would be intensified along with the urban development. The enhancement of UHI effect is mainly due to the expansion in the area and volume of artificial buildings, and will make the impact on the changes of precipitation location. Therefore, it’s essential to monitor the phenomenon of UHI for the metropolis. With the development of spatial information technology, the remote sensing has advantages of multi-spectral bands, multi-scale images, multi-temporal and fast data acquisition. The application of remote sensing has been focused on the urban heat island of Taipei city in this study. Associated with the air temperature from stations and land surface temperature (LST) from satellite observation, two of the urban development indices, the floor area ratio (FAR) and the building area ratio (BCR) from manual generation are investigated further effect on urban heat island (UHI) intensity in this study. The results show that the more the urban develops, the more the urban UHI effect increases, indicating the high correlations between FAR, BCR and UHI intensity. Meanwhile, the diurnal variation of air temperature was diminished along with the increasing of FAR, a significant factor to extending the duration of UHI effect during the nighttime in the downtown area of megacity.