光學濾波器在光學被動元件上佔有相當大的重要性,不同的濾波器提供不同的光學特性,例如穿透(transmission) 與反射(Reflection)濾波器、帶通(bandpass)與帶止(bandstop)濾波器、以及窄頻(narrow bandwidth)與寬頻(wide bandwidth)濾波器等等。光學濾波器普遍的結構都是以薄膜堆疊(stacked thin-film)的方式為主,利用多層薄膜堆疊的結構所產生的干涉作用來達到濾波的效果;但是由於多層膜堆疊的結構,使得在製作技術上較為複雜,對於結構中各層材料舉凡是折射率、厚度、均勻性、甚至是膜層間的應力都需要仔細加以考慮。基於上述理由,本論文提出利用簡單結構製作的波導膜態共振濾波器(guided-mode resonance filter),以取代結構複雜之薄膜濾波器,並研究過濾頻譜平坦化之技術。 在頻譜平坦化的技術方面,本論文利用兩種不同的結構,提出設計的方法,同時加以製作並且量測濾波器之頻譜特性。首先,我們利用串接式(cascaded)結構,實驗上於波長1550 nm 的附近得到頻寬為1~3 nm的平坦化過濾頻譜;此外,我們也對兩串接元件之距離作容忍度的分析研究。接著,我們以非對稱光柵的結構,製作出中心波長約1.2 ?m 且頻寬達200 nm的平坦化過濾頻譜,並對該元件作角度容忍度(angular tolerance)的量測與分析,以驗證元件的角度穩定性。元件在設計模擬方面與實驗所得到的數據比較,頻譜特性都相當符合,這也說明了本論文所採用的結構設計能夠達到相當程度的效果,而其結構相對於薄膜濾波器來的簡單許多,在製作及應用上具有極大的價值與潛力。 Optic filters perform in the role of the passive device. Filters provide different optic characteristic, ex: transmission, reflection, bandpass and bandstop…etc. In general, optic filters are accomplished by stacking thin film, and the principle is interference. Because the material parameter, ex: index, thickness, uniform…etc, is difficult to control very well, the fabrication is complex. In this paper, we provide a simple device, guided-mode resonance filter, to substitute for the complex thin film structure, and research on passband flattening. In passband flattening of guided-mode resonance filter, we provide the two different structures to design and fabricate. First, we utilize cascaded structures to obtain flattening bandwidth about 1~3nm. Then another structure is asymmetric grating profiles that obtain flattening bandwidth about 200nm. The profile asymmetry breaks the resonant leaky mode degeneracy at normal incidence thereby permitting precise spectral spacing of interacting leaky modes with interesting implications in optical filter design. These results demonstrate new dimensions in optical device design and may provide complementary capability with the field of thin-film optics.