「危險性工作場所審查暨檢查辦法」實施迄今已滿20年,其中危險性較高之營造工程列為丁類危險性工作場所,需依規定組成施工安全評估小組並提報施工安全評估報告書,經檢查機構審查合格後,方得使勞工在該場所作業。然近年來「危險性工作場所審查暨檢查辦法」進行多次調整,但與營造業息息相關之丁類危險性工作場所其適用範圍等相關法規卻無隨著工程技術之進步而有所調整,且近年來職業安全衛生法的實施對原本檢查機構不堪負荷的人力配置更是雪上加霜,影響工程開工日期,而業界屢有反映送審之書面審查作業過於繁雜,執行成效不如預期,且發現業界有出現書面審查通過,實際施工時卻沒有遵守之現象。本研究透過國外與我國施工安全評估制度之比較與探討,結合產、官、學界專家對現行丁類危險性工作場所審查機制與文件簡化之建議,提出文件簡化之方案,並提出審查制度改革之具體建議。包含:(1)使用風險評估表整併現有施工計畫書與施工安全評估報告書,減少事業單位於準備申請文件時之負擔;(2)將業主、設計、監造單位納入施工安全評估小組成員以強化工程自源頭端之管理;(3)備查制或報備制列為未來制度發展之方向,讓事業單位自主管理、檢查機構則以執行現場查核工作取代現有之審查制度。;The study purpose is to streamline the existing Class D hazardous system that has been affected practitioners for decades, especially in preparation and review process of necessary documentations. The study conducted domain expert interviews and held two focus group meetings to investigate and collect experts’ opinions on the potential directions of reforming the review system and simplifying application documents for Class D Hazardous workplaces in Taiwan. The findings include: (1) reorganizing and revising current construction plans and construction safety assessment reports using risk assessment tables as the basic structure; (2) incorporating owners, architects and engineers, supervising contractors as well as professional construction management contractors into a construction safety assessment team; and (3) evolving the current review and approval system to a system in which assessment documents are delivered to occupational safety inspection authorities for references. For those conclusions which require amending current laws and regulations, the study categorizes them as mid- and long-term goals, and outlines the general thoughts of implementing these conclusions that can be referred to when the government drafts related administration plans in the future. Further studies on how to put the findings into practice are necessary to determine the detailed implementation steps and strategies.