摘要: | 《牡丹亭》是湯顯祖畢生的得意之作,也是明傳奇中的瑰寶,當中最出彩的屬女主角杜麗娘。杜麗娘的「還魂」故事並不新鮮,但是對杜麗娘形象的刻畫卻入木三分,深得人心,勾起了古今多少女子的共鳴,引發了古今文人騷客的驚歎。人們對於杜麗娘形象的關注和探討更多地不在於她「死而復生」後的經歷,而在其「因夢而亡」的體驗,這種體驗由一場「春夢」而始,蕩起了杜麗娘的無限春心。忒般春心今時今日看來並不是瞬時乍現,而是人類本能中的一部分——情慾衝動(libido)。湯顯祖說「情不知所起,一往而深」,之所以是「不知所起」,從心理學的角度看來,是因為這種「至情」是屬於潛意識的,主要是人類的性本能,即生理慾望。既是本能,其應當是指向生存,又如何最終導致了杜麗娘的香消玉殞呢?因為人類在文明發展的進程當中,不可避免地對一些有違文明進步的行為和意識進行了壓抑,既是有壓抑,便會有矛盾,矛盾也必將通過一系列渠道顯現在人們的面前。而這種由「性壓抑」引發的問題最容易體現在心理癥上,因為這是極其隱秘的困擾,病者難以將有關「性」的困擾向父母姊妹、醫者長輩傾訴,只能自我消受。 本文意欲通過心理學的有關理論深入解析杜麗娘形象中的情感矛盾,這是由人類的情慾本能與文明創造之間的碰撞而引發的矛盾。它困擾的不僅是像杜麗娘這般的深閨少女,也困擾著一代又一代的青少年。本文藉此進一步關懷當下青年男女由於「性困擾」所導致的心理健康問題和刻不容緩的「性教育」問題。 ;The Peony Pavilion is the best of Tang Xianzu’s works, and the treasure of Ming drama as well. The most conspicuous figure is the protagonist Du Liniang, Du Liniang’s image has struck a responsive chord in the hearts of its readers from past to the present, especially the female readers. It is not a new story of the revival, what we concerned is the psychology of Du after she had the erotic dream. According to the famous psychologist Havelock Ellis and psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, with the time of physical growth, youths would realize their physiological needs: sexual desire. However this kind of behavior would not get a smooth going, by the restrictions of religion and morality, etc. Du Liniang was in her age of adolescence, the experience of the book of songs and the spring scenery was facilitating her awakening of lust. But in China, especially the traditional China, there is a set of strict moral code to limit the behavior of females, even their thoughts. And the most significant traditional ethic to the girls is chastity. So, for Du Liniang the awaken of lust meant the begin of repression at the same time. Sigmund Freud defined this kind of sexual desire as libido, the sexual desire belongs to subconscious. Once libido has no way to be satisfied, psychological disease would occur. The conflict between libido and morality is what Du Liniang wants to do with her body against what she has to do. The psychological disease about sex is an personal secret that is shamed to tell others, including relatives and friends. The regular treatment would meet with kinds of obstacles, and the main one is the psychological obstacle of the patient.
It still be a serious problem in nowadays, especially among teenagers. This thesis is discussing the case of Du Liniang, and attempting to expose the sex puzzle of youths and the deficiency of sex education for teenagers through the analysis of Du’s sex psychology. |