茶、鳳梨及芒果是最具台灣代表性的三項物產,不僅品質優良,產業發展基礎深厚,頗具市場競爭力。其實這三項物產非台灣原生,而是飄洋過海之舶來品,經過兩三百年的時光,落地生根、成為台灣引以為傲的土產。在這股全球化的浪潮之下,也再次將茶、鳳梨、芒果推進世界貿易舞台。近年時興商業行銷結合文化創意,即發揮「文化經濟」的力量,如何以文化行銷的方式,將茶、鳳梨及芒果化做一個個精美的伴手禮,試圖以嶄新的面貌搶得市場先機。本研究首先藉由探討產業昔日的發展歷史,層層遞進至當前的產銷現況,再以文化的角度,導入至產業的經濟脈絡,由此開展出未來的產業發展方向。;Tea, Pineapple and Mango is the three most competitive products in Taiwan.In fact, the three local products are not original in Taiwan, but from abroad. Now the three products have taken root here in the past 2, 300 years, making them proud of Taiwan. Globalization from below, putting the three products into the world trade. The commercial marketing combining the Culture Creativity is very popular in the recent years, making the most of value in Economics and Culture. How to use cultural marketing strategies to promote tea, pineapple and mango into an artistic souvenirs for taking the preemptive opportunities in the marketing. The study will focus on the industrial history at first and go on to industry in the current status. The study will combine economics and culture in the industry and find a way of the industry in the future.