女伶重現於中國近代戲曲舞臺上,是城市娛樂文化其中之一。女伶不僅為戲曲史上帶來改變,且女性從事藝人的職業也成為大眾矚目的焦點,坤伶受到近代媒體報刊的關注,各種的議論圍繞著坤伶產生,使得女伶在近代有著多樣化的形象。 論文處理的時間在1912-1937年的北京、天津、上海城市女伶為研究對象,這個時期有著發達的出版機構與傳播媒介,打破傳統口耳相傳的傳播格局,報刊媒體與女伶的結合形成大眾娛樂文化一起參與的造星活動。 報刊中有許多對坤伶的演藝技巧、演出內容的相關報導,雖然報刊上的資訊在觀眾心中容易留下刻板印象,不過坤伶本身、捧角者與劇評家都努力地試圖重新塑造坤伶在社會的正面形象,以期望為坤伶提高社會的地位與價值。 女伶在近代戲曲發展的過程中,表現內容與形式等方面都有所拓展,為近代戲曲的發展奠定了基礎。 ;Female opera actresses in modern Chinese operas were an important facet in urban cultural entertainment, as they introduced significant changes to opera traditions and raised public awareness of their profession. These opera actresses have become the focus of the current media’s attention, which has reported on many different aspects of the role. Thus, they created a dynamic image for the actresses in modern Chinese opera. This research article focused on Chinese opera actresses active in Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai between 1912 and 1937. This era has supported many well-established publishers and media outlets, as it was a breakthrough of information dissemination from the traditional word of mouth method to printed press releases. The combination of media reporting and the performances of the opera actresses themselves became a promotional movement to create opera stars in this area of mass entertainment. During the study period, there were many press articles focused on the acting skills of the women as well as the content of the opera. Although these reports may have generated a stereotypical (i.e., negative) image for the audiences, the opera actresses, advocates, and critics all attempted to build a new positive image for this profession. These efforts represented the endeavor to increase the social standing and societal value of opera actresses. Opera actresses have played a vital role in the development of modern Chinese opera, and contributed to significant advancements made in performance art. They have laid the foundation for the development of the modern opera.