本論文針對感溫粉溫感變色特性,詳細探討其反射率光譜與溫度之量化關係,並分析與歸納建立量化模型。藉由此量化模型,進一步嘗試將感溫粉應用於固態照明技術中,螢光粉溫度之即時偵測,並以二種不同感溫粉分別驗證其對溫度之偵測能力。;In this thesis, the spectral analysis has been applied on the thermochromatic pigments. In order to get the information of temperature and reflection spectrum, the experimental set up has been established including spectral measurement, temperature controlling, and temperature recoding. At the same time, a quantitative model is established by analyzing the reflection spectra of the thermochromatic pigments. As a result, a novel temperature sensing procedure in phosphor can be further developed with the verification on two different thermochromatic pigments.