顯示器對於資訊傳輸有很大的助益,近來各大研究單位以及廠商更是強調其顯示器之色彩精確、色彩再現,進而使人眼看到更真實畫面,因此色彩能否忠實呈現是評價顯示器品質之重大指標,因此亮度與色彩關係是密不可分。在這篇論文中將探討顯示在不同的亮度之下,其色域邊界會隨亮度如何的變化。首先混色原理將會深入地探討,確認出在不同亮度下其色域邊界之色域頂點;先探討三原色系統顯示器在不同亮度下,其色域邊界頂點分佈的情形,進而推論至多原色系統顯示器,再藉由電腦軟體摸擬色域邊界,將摸擬的結果與經由顯示器量測出來的數據做比較,以支持色域邊界理論。接著探討若要在損失最少亮度之條件下,將一台顯示器之白點調校至任意混色之色座標,則各原色之光通量須如何調配,此理論亦可使用在多原色顯示器係統之色溫調校應用上。 In this thesis, the relation between luminance and color gamut (color covered range) display performance was probed under changing luminance. The color mixing principle discusses indepth how to ensure color gamut boundary under various luminance degrees. Software was used to imitate color gamut boundary in this thesis, and color coordinate and luminous flux measured from the display were compared with the color gamut boundary simulation, and the relation between luminance change and size of color gamut space are discussed. In further color gamut boundary discussions, there is a specific mixing rate of each primary color luminance flux for the purpose of translating the color temperature coordinate to a specific color coordinate and damaging the least luminance flux. This theory can be applied for translating color temperature at a multi-primary color display system.