在本文中,我們針對發展出的離軸式體積全像儲存系統架構做了一點改良,推導其數學模型,並利用此數學模型模擬計算系統在多工儲存時多頁及多軌間的串音影響及位元誤碼率。我們也提出一多點光源球面波參考光的概念,能有效降低多頁儲存時,隨碟片旋轉而上升的雜訊頁繞射效率。最後,我們計算此系統的理論儲存容量,並針對某些參數作優化,有效的提升了系統的儲存容量及讀取品質。In the thesis, we made an improvement for our off-axis volume holographic optical system. The mathematical model is also derived to simulate the system. Based on the model, we calculated the cross-talk effect and bit-error rate of the multiplexing recording system in tangential and radial directions. We also proposed a new concept that we use multiple spherical waves as the reference beam to reduce the diffraction efficiency of the noise page during disk rotation. In the end we estimated the system capacity and optimized some parameters to improve the capacity and reading quality.