本研究預訂應用核能所開發之沸石為吸附劑,從基本吸附性能曲線實驗開始,得出沸石-水間之吸/脫附性能,據以設計最佳性能之吸附床,最後完成整體吸附式製冷系統之設計製作。期能提高吸附式系統製冷性能,縮小系統體積,以達到實際商業化之目的。整體計畫期限預訂為三年,第一年進行吸附性能曲線實驗,得出沸石-水間之吸/脫附性能,第二年設計製作微熱交換器吸附床,以及蒸發/冷凝器,第三年組裝完成小型吸附式空調系統,進行系統之測試改良,並考慮吸附劑及冷媒之搭配選擇。 本年度為第一年,預定以核能所自行開發的鋁渣回收環保沸石作為吸附材料,製作吸附床試體,量測脫吸附特性,繪製等溫吸附平衡曲線和脫附/吸附溫度/壓力關係圖,並與商業化沸石及矽膠之性能比較,評估環保沸石作為固體吸附式製冷系統吸附床材料的可行性,以為後續研究之依據。 ;This study is proposed to apply the micro heat exchanger concept on adsorption refrigeration system design. By using the thin film coating of the zeolite fabricated by INER on micro heat exchanger surface, it is expected the adsorption rate will increase, entire system volume and therefore cost will be reduced. This is a three years research project. In the first year, the adsorption/ desorption performance of the zeolite fabricated by INER will be measured. The adsorption bed by using micro heat exchanger will be designed and a high performance evaporator/condenser will be designed and fabricated in the second year. A prototype small scale adsorption system will be assembled and tested in the last year. ;研究期間:10503 ~ 10512