本篇論文主要提出以表面電漿子(Surface Plasmonics Resonance (SPR))及散逸式模態(Leaky Mode Resonance (LMR))雙重效應為基礎的全方位反射鏡(Omnidirectional Reflector)結構,全方位反射鏡使用有限時域差分法(Finite Difference Time Domain)與嚴格耦合波分析法(Rigorous Coupled-Wave Analysis)為模擬計算及設計之基礎。全方位反射鏡主要是以矽為基板並在上層堆疊兩層結構,分別是鋁金屬光柵以及BCB(Benzocyclobutene 苯環丁烯)高分子聚合物薄膜。元件主要的工作機制可分為兩種模態,其一是在金屬光柵上層激發出表面電漿子模態 (SPR)向兩側傳播,另一種模態是期望藉由BCB薄層對於能量無法拘限於薄膜內而將能量以散逸式模態(LMR)穿透至元件外,達到高反射率的效果。 全方位反射鏡經FDTD演算法計算後,光源在波長為450nm由正向 及斜向入射全方位反射鏡後可得到反射率為分別為96.24%及92.00 %。而全方位反射在波長為450nm條件下經由RCWA演算法模擬由0∘至89∘入射所計算出的平均反射率為97.08%。而最低的反射率出現在入射角度為30∘為73%。而在全方位反射波長為400nm至1600nm條件下經由RCWA演算法模擬由正向入射所計算出的平均反射率為95.84%。 並利用RCWA演算法模擬光源波長從400nm至1600nm及入射角度為0∘至89∘的頻譜圖,經模擬計算後可得到平均反射率為95.56%。 除此之外,全方位反射鏡也利用RCWA演算法,模擬在反射鏡上層 具有垂直式氮化鎵薄膜發光二極體的情況,經模擬波長在450nm而入 射角度從0∘至89∘下計算後的平均反射率99.14%。在本論文中也會提及對於製程容忍度的模擬及計算結果。本論文提出一組具有高反射率、較寬的波長頻寬(400nm至1600nm)、全方位(omnidirectional)的特性及低電阻值適用於發光二極體的全方位反射鏡。In this paper, a two-layer ODR based on the Dual Effect of Surface Plasmonic Resonance (SPR) and Leaky Mode Resonance (LMR) is proposed for the first time to simplify the structure of DESL - ODR. The proposed DESL - ODR is expected to operate in a spectral range covered the visible and infrared wavelengths with a wide angular endurance of incidence. The DESL - ODR is constructed with the aluminum gratings on silicon substrate coated with benzocyclobutene (BCB) as a cover layer. By using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method and the rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA), the resonance behavior of proposed DESL - ODR is observed. The reflectance of the DESL - ODR structures can be 96.24% and 99.41% at 450 nm for incident angles of 0 and 80°. For a broadband spectrum of 400 – 1600 nm, the average reflectance can reach 95.56% at 400 – 1600 nm under oblique incidence of 0-89°. It markedly means that most of incident wave over the visible and near infrared range can be reflected even the wide incident angle up to 89°. Moreover, the minimum reflectance for the wavelength of 450 nm can be maintained 73% at the incident angle of 30°. The thin-GaN LED (light-emitting diode) with DESL - ODR structure is compared as an example to the DESL - ODR structure in free space. For normal incidence, the minimum reflectance of 400 - 1600 nm occurs at the short wavelength of 400 nm with a value of 91%.