「整體粉光」系地坪處理的方法之一,通常會依據設計或使用上之需求,配合環氧樹酯(俗稱:EPOXY)施作,整體粉光工程大多由施工廠商根據合約需求或自有機具等資源,依憑施工廠商經驗安排相關作業進度,一般是以傳統人力排班的方法來作人員與機具之調度,因此如何利用電腦最佳化之模式提高機具的使用率以達到降低成本之目的,為本研究之中要課題。本研究是以整體粉光工程常見之手工鏝刀配合自製的震動整平機,再加上大(小)型粉光機替代傳統人工拍漿整平,以此四種工具機械為基礎進行整體粉光工程為研究範圍,建立一套以數學整數規劃為架構之最佳化模式,協助工地決策者能對施工機具與人力做最合理的規劃與派遣,以成本為最小化為目的進而增加收益。本研究模式之參數亦可隨工地面積之變化及限制條件改變時,依照最新條件來調整參數,重新調整工程人員與機具之派遣。 本研究將基本資料參數及各限制條件下訂定出相對應之數學模式,將資料以EXCEL2007軟體方式輸入LINGO12.0套裝軟體求解,即可得整體粉光的人員機具指派之最佳化結果。本研究亦可藉由調整敏感度較大之參數來影響目標成本,並可與原本條件下之成果做比較,以此做為工地決策者之重要參考依據。 ;Monolithic finish is a way to be used in floor work construction. It usually cooperates with the construction of epoxy resin according to design or the demands of usage. The contractors operate the construction of monolithic finish mostly according to the requirements of contract or the resources of their own equipment. They arrange the operation progress base on their experience, and traditional workforce management is usually the way they use to schedule personnel and equipment. Therefore, how to use mathematically optimized model to increase utilization of equipment and reducing the cost is the main purpose of this research.
This research uses basic data and criteria of limitations to define corresponding limitation parameters, followed by inputting the data into the LINGO 12.0 software via the software method of using EXCEL 2007 for solutions. An optimized outcome for the personnel and equipment assignment of monolithic finish can be obtained. Also, by adjusting the parameters which possess larger sensitivity can influence on target cost, and can have comparison with the result of default setting. Thus, this model can be used as a significant reference basis for decision makers.