摘要: | 曾懿(1853-1927)是晚清女詩人、女詞人、女教育家、女醫,四川華陽人。其母左錫嘉為清後期著名女作家,出身陽湖左氏,曾懿幼隨母教,後嫁給左錫嘉姊左錫璇之次子袁學昌,育十子,皆有成就,可謂上襲左氏,下啟袁氏。曾懿一生著有四部詩詞集、一部女教書和一部醫方集,遨遊南北,涉獵廣博,學有家法,詩其家事,其一生所記是研究清末女性生活及社會的寶貴財富。 本文收集較多新材料,在原有成果的基礎上,前三章論述曾懿家族、交游,理清生平事跡。曾懿一生歷經清末重大社會事件,海禁大開,列強入侵,庚子事變後,她放棄詞章之學,由詩人轉向女教育家、女醫者身份,女教書《女學篇》和醫方集《醫學篇》的成書見證了曾懿的這次轉變,故本文亦試圖從作品探尋曾懿在時代裂變中的思想軌跡。第四章著重考述曾懿詩詞集的內容、年代、特點,第五章則將重點放在曾懿作品的特殊題材變化和翻譯、接受問題。 ;Zeng Yi (1853-1927), was a female author born in Huayang, Sichuan. Inheriting from her mother Zuo Xijia, who was a famous and intelligent poet , Yi had outstanding talent in literature, painting even medication. After marrying to her cousin Yuan Xuechang, they raised 10 children,some of whom also gained great achievement in various careers afterward. Yi had a collection named Guhuanshi, including 3 poetry books, a female guidebook, a publication of medical recipes.These works not only recorded her experience, but illustrated the living of women in late imperial China. The dissertation contains some newly-found documents, based on the related research results, the first three chapters will focus on Yi´s family, friendship and her living experience all around China. Yi was exposed to a variety of major social events, as a result of the opening-up and powers aggression. After The Gengzi Incident, Yi quit her working on poems, turned to be an active volunteer of transmitting specialized medical and educational knowledge to the mass. The editing of Nv Xue and Yi Xue saw her change, so the essay is trying to examine Yi´s thoughts during her times. More emphasis on the works will be put in the forth chapter. Specific subjects shown in poets and references,the translated visions adapted in her works and the communication of works are discussed in the last chapter. |