本研究主要在探討鐵路橋梁管理系統之架構,提供鐵路橋梁管理 機關建置管理系統之參考。包含橋梁基本資料模組、統計分析模組、 檢測資料模組、維修成本估算模組、維修紀錄模組、地理資訊系統模 組、緊急通報模組、參數更新模組、整合性決策模組等項目。希望能 藉由系統化、有效率的電腦化管理方法,將各項橋梁資料融入決策理 論分析,結合地理資訊系統及網際網路架構,協助橋梁管理機關提高 橋梁服務水準,確保橋梁結構的穩定及安全性以維護鐵路運輸機能; 並有效運用資源、降低橋梁維修成本、延長橋梁使用年限,以最經濟 的方式進行鐵路橋梁的管理工作。 The purpose of this study is to research the structure of bridge management system for railroad, so that the railroad administration can build a bridge management system for railroad by referring this study. The skeleton discussed here comprises nine primary modules: bridge inventory module, statistic moduhu le, bridge inspection record module, maintenance cost estimation module, maintenance record module, GIS module, bridge administration efficiency checking module, system parameter updating module, and decision-making module. The system is computerized, and manages the datum of bridges systematically and efficiently. It also can help administration making decision after analyzing information of bridges. In order to keep railroad working safely, we expect this system will help administration elevating the service level of railroad bridges, and guaranteeing safety and stability of bridge structure. Besides, the system can also manipulate resources efficiently, reduce the cost of maintenance, extend the life of bridges, and offer an economical way to manage railroad bridges for administration.