台灣地區存在許多使用老舊規範所設計之結構物,以及大量使用磚造或加強磚造結構。由結構安全及耐久性的角度觀之,這些耐震能力不足之結構應予以進行適當之補強。在發展含磚鋼筋混凝土結構工法及規範的過程中,一般採用實驗及數值模擬二種方式進行之。 對磚牆進行數值模擬的同時,往往需要知道有關於水泥砂漿及紅磚之材料參數,然而國內甚少有紅磚材料性質參數研究,本論文針對水泥砂漿及紅磚之材料性質作一系列的試驗,計有水泥砂漿黏結強度試驗、紅磚抗壓試驗、水泥砂漿抗壓試驗、水泥砂漿抗拉試驗、紅磚抗拉試驗等材料試驗。試驗所得之紅磚彈性模數、包生比、抗壓強度及抗拉強度等材料參數,可提供研究人員進行數值研究。亦針對紅磚以及FRP介面的黏結強度進行試驗規劃,使得對FRP在磚塊上的補強有更好的試驗數據。而在直剪試驗中,由破壞包絡線經莫耳-庫倫破壞準則,得知試材料各個參數間的關係。 The nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete structures with brick wall under the earthquake force are complex. It always used experiments and numerical simulation to develop the code and method of the reinforced concrete structures with brick wall. The research develop a process to well simulate the nonlinear behaviors of two-dimensional reinforced concrete structures with brick wall by combining the FEM and the DDA method, and adding the reinforcement effect and cement mortar element in this system. From the Standard Method of Test for Compressive Strength of HydraulicCement Motars using two inch cube specimens, Standard Method of Test for Tensile Strength of HydraulicCement Motars,and Method of Test for General Type of Bricks for Building,we can obtain the Young’s modulus,Poission’s ratio,compressive strength,and tensive strength.In this thesis, the feasibility and performance of using FRP to retrofit brick is investigated through experiments.And we use the method for measuring the shear strength to get the simple compressive strength and the simple tensive strength by Mohr-Columb criterion.