能量採集是延長有限能量設備運轉時間的解決方案,其中射頻訊號做為能量採集使用已經是可行的遠距離能量傳輸方式,而本篇將針對多輸入多輸出系統下利用功率分流器達成同時訊息及能量傳輸進行探討。 訊息傳遞的目標是要讓系統傳輸量最大化,對於能量的傳遞則是希望讓接收端能獲取最多的能量,然而受限於目前硬體的限制,射頻的訊號並不能同時做為訊息和能量的接收使用,因此如何分配射頻訊號便是本篇要探討的問題之一。另外在多天線下對於發送波束成形的設計,也會改變訊息及能量接收的多寡,且發對於訊息及能量為目標設計的波束成形並不相同。 多使用者的情況比單使用者多了使用者之間的干擾,這些干擾會降低訊息的傳輸量,但可以做為能量接收提升能量獲取量。傳統訊息傳輸的多使用者干擾問題便非常的困難,加入能量的傳輸後系統將更複雜,本篇將簡化分析並引入干擾對齊的概念設計可行的解決方案。 ;Energy harvesting (EH) can be used to charge the battery and thus prolong the survival time of the device. RF signals can be used to transfer energy, therefore it can be a new source for energy harvesting. Wireless energy harvesting (WEH) is becoming an important aspect of EH. Since RF signals can be used as a vehicle for both transmitting information and transferring energy in wireless networks, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) has attracted much attention. We consider that receiver has power splitter to splitting the received power into two parts. Then the receiver can simultaneous decoding information and harvesting energy. We first consider one-user case in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, then extend to Multi-user case. Finally, consider multi-user power splitting combined with the interference alignment technology.